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Variable Air Volume (VAV) Air Conditioning System

VAV AC system bases on the CAV AC system, and adopts VAV AHU, VAV terminal device and relevant control system. According to the load change of each room, it adjusts the supply air ?ow and then the air temp to control the room temp. It has the features of automatic temp regulation, personalized temp setting, accurate temp control, energy saving and noise reduction.

It is composed of VAV terminal device, VAV AHU, air duct system and control system (include VAV terminal control, cabin temp independent control, system air ?ow control, air supply temp control, fresh air management).

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Product features:

1. variable air volume terminal device can automatically change the air supply volume according to the change of cabin load and personal comfort requirements, so the air conditioning comfort is good, can meet the personalized needs of users;

2. Air volume can be adjusted preferentially according to load changes. Except the peak period of heat load, the air conditioning and ventilation system operates under low air volume, which can effectively reduce the noise of the air conditioning system;

3. The air volume can be adjusted timely according to the load changes to effectively reduce the energy consumption of the blower, and achieve the dual purpose of comfort and energy saving;

4. The cooling or heating amount can be adjusted automatically with the change of the actual load by adjusting the air supply volume and air supply temperature, with a high degree of automation control;

5. The cost of vAV air conditioning system equipment will be increased due to the increase of monitoring links such as static pressure of the system, indoor temperature and air volume, and outdoor fresh air volume.

Basic parameters: Application:
Class1 rubber and plastic insulation pipe

Automatic control system

Marine Refrigeration Plant/Provision Plant

Aluminum silicate blanket

Quickly drying and sterilizing device

KT-630~1800 marine adjustable axial fan

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