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Intelligent Decentralized Fan Coil System (IDFC)

The IDFC air conditioning system is composed of a fresh air system which provides treated air to AC

rooms through medium and low pressure single duct system and a return air system which adopts

IDFC AC unit to treat return air. IDFC AC unit can ensure the comfort and individuation of each cabin.

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Product features:

1. meet the temperature control and personalized needs of a single cabin through the built-in microprocessing controller and cabin temperature panel, to achieve accurate air environment control and energy saving optimization, to meet the personalized needs of the cabin environment.

2. low noise IDFC air conditioning unit air volume is small, low pressure head. Small low noise fan and variable air volume operation, low noise cabin.

3. Energy saving Effective management of fresh air, variable air volume operation and intelligent control of IDFC air conditioning unit (timely matching with air conditioning load), to achieve energy saving of air conditioning system.

4. Space saving Due to the reduction in the number of air conditioners and the reduction in the size and number of air ducts, the layout of air supply equipment and air ducts requires the least space.

5. Balance and stability of air volume Through effective management of fresh air, the fresh air of air conditioning and mechanical exhaust in the living area form a stable air volume balance.

6. the overall design layout flexible IDFC unit size is small, easy to disperse layout, provides convenience for the overall design.

7. easy maintenance IDFC unit can be installed in the health unit aisle maintenance or other adjacent places, in the aisle can be directly IDFC unit maintenance, avoid personnel into the cabin for maintenance.

8. The IDFC air conditioning unit of each cabin only deals with the return air of the cabin, and balances the slight positive pressure of the fresh air and the exhaust air of the health unit to achieve effective air isolation of each cabin and good epidemic prevention function.

Basic parameters: Application:
Class1 rubber and plastic insulation pipe

Automatic control system

Marine Refrigeration Plant/Provision Plant

Quickly drying and sterilizing device

CZLZ -2~64 marine water cooled refrigeration plant

Constant Air Volume (CAV)Air Conditioning System

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