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Epidemic Prevention Air-conditioning System

Ship navigation has the characteristics of long duration, high personnel density, relatively closed environment, microclimate stagnation in some places, and limited medical conditions. If the design of air conditioning and ventilation system is not reasonable, it is easy to cause bacterial breeding and virus cross infection. How to filter, sterilize and disinfect the air in ship cabin, eliminate cross infection and improve the comfort and air quality of cabin has become an urgent task to be solved. COVID-19 prevention and control requirements have put forward new requirements and challenges for ship air conditioning equipment and systems in terms of public health and safety.

Trillion - air conditioning to ship the epidemic situation and outbreak response has carried on the comprehensive summary and analysis of existing problems, combining with the current epidemic prevention new requirements, from two aspects of equipment and system put forward the corresponding prevention measures, and designed a new ship and epidemic prevention air conditioning integration solutions, epidemic prevention and air purification and so on should be brought into the design, construction, commissioning and operation stages. Effectively control the source of infection, cut off the way of transmission, protect healthy people, and create a healthy, clean, comfortable and carefree cabin environment.

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