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current location: Centrifugal fan

Centrifugal fan

CLH124 Marine centrifugal fan is mainly used in the ventilation system of large ships. It is the centrifugal fan with the largest air volume in the Marine field at present.

The series fans are mainly composed of chassis, impeller, air inlet, Marine motor and other components. The impeller is made of aluminum alloy riveted with backward inclined arc blade.

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Product features:

1. The ventilator is horizontal and the motor is directly connected. The impeller is made by riveting the bent blade. The shell is welded with thick aluminum plate. The cross section of the air inlet is round and the cross section of the air outlet is rectangular. The inlet and outlet flanges are provided with connection holes, and the bottom end of the casing (the lowest part) is provided with a discharge screw plug to remove water.

2. Excellent performance with high pressure and high efficiency: in the design process, through CFD simulation calculation, to select the best blade outlet Angle and blade number, so that the fan can meet the pressure requirements, at the same time improve the static pressure efficiency of the fan, improve the fan operation performance.

3. The fan is the centrifugal fan with the largest air volume in the Marine field; In order to ensure the reliability of its operation, while meeting the performance, the strength of the impeller is checked to ensure the safety of operation.

Basic parameters:

Quantity: 40000 m3 / h

The total pressure: 1600 pa

Power: 45 kw

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