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current location: High pressure centrifugal fan

High pressure centrifugal fan

JG centrifugal fan is a home-made fan suitable for Marine desulfurization and denitration system developed by our scientific research and technical personnel on the basis of fully absorbing foreign advanced fan technology. - Generally used for high pressure forced ventilation of desulfurization and denitration system, and can be widely used for conveying materials and air (non-corrosive, unnatural, non-stick material gas). The medium temperature is generally not higher than 50℃ (maximum not more than 70℃), the medium contains dust and hard particles is not more than 100mg/m2.

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Product features:

This ventilator is single suction type, with 13 machine numbers No4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.6, 6.3, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0, 10, 11.2, 12.5, 14, 16.

The ventilator can be made into right and left rotation type. From one end of the motor, straight impeller clockwise rotation is called dextral fan, represented by "right"; The impeller rotating counterclockwise called the left cyclone machine, "left".

Basic parameters:

No4.0-6.3 is mainly composed of housing, impeller, wind shelter, bracket, etc. No7.1-16 in addition to the above parts, there are transmission groups, etc.

(1) the shell is a whole cochlear shell welded with ordinary steel plate;

(2) The blades of one impeller fan are × slices. All belong to forward curved blade type. The maximum circumferential speed of the outer edge of the wheel diffuser shall not exceed 140m/s. After forming, the impeller is corrected by static and dynamic balance, so it runs smoothly.

(3) air inlet - made into a collection streamlined overall structure, fixed on the front cover with bolts;

(4) Drive group 1 is composed of spindle, bearing box and coupling. Spindle is made of high quality steel;

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